Watching me, watching you

I didn't get my Sunday lie in as someone decided to ring our doorbell this morning while I was still in bed. I couldn't get back off to sleep though so I spent some time reading my book before I eventually got up. The sun was shining but I didn't feel like going out and instead spent some time washing socks and sweeping the garage floor after I'd had some breakfast.

I've given up trying to make a backup of my first laptop's hard drive using the software that is installed on the present one and installed something else on it that a friend had bought for me a few years ago. He'd also sent me fully illustrated set of instructions back then which I fortunately still had and I think I've successfully made a copy of that hard drive now. I haven't checked every single item yet but at first glance it looks like it's all there. :)

Before I sat down at my desk I was able to take several photos of my cockatiel Mieke. Normally I only have to appear with my camera to make her start preening herself. This time though she seemed interested in what I was doing and kept looking at me for several minutes. I eventually chose this shot of her watching me and after a few attempts of trying to enhance it a little, I decided to blip it in its original form.

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