The Calm Before the Storm

This is the view I get if I do my daily walk in reverse.  It was calm for about two hours this morning.  Then it became grey, the rain arrived and the wind is back up.  In a surprise move, mid-morning, two boys arrived with a fish van.  The Hoy boat was cancelled so they were selling their wares in the parish.  Bibs is delirious. They replaced Bazza (see Blips gone by).  Bazza always arrived with another boy; he acted as Bazza’s translator because he had such a impenetrable Pulteney accent.  CMC bought, haddock, partan toes and a clam.
I fixed the portable radio, then fitted the smoke / CO detectors and was reunited with my liquorice torpedo.  I received an email from an ex-colleague today that I once trod the boards with.  Every year I swither about paying my Equity Fees.  This, after only playing the rear end of a pantomime horse.  However, as they still say in Stratford ‘You should have seen my Bottom’.
I hope everyone in Blipland has a thrill seeking weekend.  You all deserve to.

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