
By XSworld

Clematis vitalba

I haven't photographed the clematis for a long time, which is strange because last year I snapped quite a lot of photos of the old man's beard..or maybe that is why I haven't been photographing it lately! Anyway, today I could feel a hint of spring in the air! This morning I turned off the flat's heating and opened all the windows for several hours to completely renew every molecule of oxygen while I did the cleaning. We can all breath better now. In the afternoon I went for a long walk with spring in my head and it made me a bit sad to see all the trees barren and the vegetation dormant. Somehow it made the clematis stand out in the woods, where it has invaded the terrain and now dominates the low and tall canopy. From a far, the taller ones really remind me of old man's beard, but upon closer look, in the afternoon sun, they glitter like jewels.

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