Breakfast out

A friend and I decided to go out for brunch to catch up , but the only slot we could get at the place we like to go to, was 8:45, so it was breakfast instead of brunch :) I had mushrooms on toast. Yum.
It felt like an early start after a late night last night with friends round for dinner and games ( Scattegories and Mr Lister) but was well worth it. Dinner was fun too. I didn’t overdo it :)

Once home I tackled getting to grips with Photoshop Elements- after the trip to Diglis I decided to try and edit properly, so bit the bullet and bought Elements 2022. It wasn’t straightforward downloading but after an uninstall and reinstall, I have successfully edited 3 photos !

Relaxing this evening after a busy week! Hopefully Mr SHS might cook :) I’m crocheting an elephant “lovey” for my hairdressers baby due next month.

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