Project Yearbook

By arielle365

12/365: Jackson

Today, I learned the hard way... Always keep a spare battery on hand! It was such a mood killer because there is sooo much to see and so many cool people to meet in Santa Cruz. So I present to you, a cell phone pic for today.

This is Jackson. He attends UCSC and has the voice of an angel. I found him on the streets of downtown Santa Cruz, where we bonded over a little talk about his major in Cognitive Science, and he serenaded me with his favorite song "oh what a deal".

Best part? That little phrase pretty much summed up my day! After meeting Jackson, I met a Craigslister about a bike, which I hated. I got back online, found a posting (literally 3 hours old) for a Bianchi road bike. I zipped down to Salinas and, well, met the bike love of my life for a GREAT deal!

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