
A quieter day weather-wise so I put a new bird feeder out to celebrate the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.  It says Ultra Squirrel Proof Seed Feeder on the label... we'll see!  A couple of brave starlings were the first to check it out but I knew it wouldn't take long until an imp appeared.

Over the past year our garden has be visited by pairs of Magpie, Wood Pigeon and Squirrels raising families.  We have seen increasing numbers of Goldfinches and Starlings, a pair of Bullfinches, dunnocks, sparrows, Robin(s),  a variety of tits and occasional finches. A fleeting glance of a Jay or Heron here and there. Overhead  Red Kites, Gulls and crows, the Sparrow hawk darts through wreaking  havoc.  In summer the delight of bats and foxes. Once only sightings of a Parakeet and Great Spotted woodpecker.  We are lucky that there are still mature trees nearby  but for how long?  we have lost quite a few over the past 25 years ( not all to storms).  Our pond is low on water at present  I hope come spring the frogs, newts and insects will return.

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