After a concerning phone call yesterday morning (not a workday - sigh) I woke several times in the night thinking of things I'd need to put in place on Monday so that the next few weeks of work can run without me more smoothly than they would otherwise.

Then I ignored my tiredness to get:
- to the bridge over the A34 to do my stint guarding the 'No New Roads' banner, which, predictably, was not terribly popular;
- to the bus stop in time to meet Tivoli, who was very kindly doing a piece of work at my workplace that she has the talents to do and I have not the first clue about;
- back home in time for us to have the soup I'd made yesterday from the butternut squash I grew from the seeds that Tivoli brought back from Greece;
- to the pub to meet Tivoli's Medway friends;
- to another friend's kitchen for a long commiseration about the state of the world and that fact that all our efforts don't seem to change it much;
- back home in time for Secondborn to come round for a meal and chat;
- to bed a lot earlier than usual.

I was very happy to find this new building-site walkway in the middle of town. (A different view here.)

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