Looking good Abbey

I was up and out relatively early for me; first stop at the hand wash to get my car cleaned and valeted, then to meet a crochet/ knitting friend for coffee to discuss the local u3a’s upcoming 21st birthday celebration and how our groups might choose to mark it. Then I watched a quirky but very entertaining film The Electrical Life of Louis Wain with Benedict Cumberbatch and Claire Foy. Based on a true story about an artist who drew cats in the late 19c and his struggle in life with money, family and mental health issues. Apparently cats weren’t known as pets in Victorian times. Shocking!!! See here for more info


Finally I walked back to the car wash and thought how beautiful the Abbey looked in the sunshine. Bumped into a neighbour, caught up with her news too. Home for a late lunch, jobs and hugging my cat :)

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