Mono Monday

I wonder if this old telephone would fit into ApolloFly's time capsule? When you think how much phones have changed over the decades, it may well be unrecognisable by future generations.

While I was upstairs this morning making my bed, I heard hysterical barking outside, looked out and couldn't believe my eyes: Minty! He must have gone through the newly-fitted smaller cat flap! The reason for the barking was Corky, neighbours' 'wild' cat, who must have tried to come in and Minty had chased him to where he was hiding under my car. P told me to give Minty a row, but a) it was too late by then, and b) he was only doing his very important job of protecting his home.

It remains a mystery how the 'chunky' Mintster managed to fit through the cat flap without either breaking it or hurting himself... or both!

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