Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


One of nature's time capsules . . . all one needs is the key and the knowledge to 'read' it . . . bones and teeth, geological strata are other examples of nature's time capsules.

       Well, silly me missed the intent of this theme completely.
"What would you put in a time capsule today that will be interesting to people in 20 years time? Or look at it another way - what do you think the first blippers in 2004 would have put in, nearly 20 years ago? Or when Kodak started selling cameras in 1888?   Enough scope there I think for something interesting.
As always, you can make your chosen photo for the day fit the theme with some creative writing if you wish. But I hope these themes will give you enough food for thought, but not make your brain ache too much.
Thank you in advance for taking part.
ApolloFly aka Philippa Finlay."

It seems I'll be adding a piece of firewood.

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