
This time last year I was gearing up to take 100 photographs of tulips to raise awareness of the Mamie Martin Fund. I know that at least two other blippers got involved as well. It was an enjoyable challenge though it became a bit of a race against time towards the end. This year I can just blip the occasional tulip photo. Here's one.

The vase was my grandmother's. One day many years ago Cameraman and I were paying her a visit. Cameraman remarked on the vase in an admiring way. "Take it", she said. "It's yours". An unexpected gift. I now recognise that impulse to give away things that you think people might like. I have lots of treasures I  like to imagine going to good homes rather than being chucked when that time comes (not for a good while yet I hope).

The sun is dazzlingly bright but the wind is fierce again. Today is blue bin collection (plastic) - a lightweight bin which can be blown over too easily. Luckily it's now been emptied. We're fortunate to have our rubbish collected though ideally we won't have so much to dispose of.

Chicanery in Westminster yesterday. It's enraging and upsetting in equal measure.

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