Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User


It's strange how ideas spring into the mind.  Mrs IU was having her breakfast this morning - prorridge with a couple of blueberries on the top and the contrast kinda just hit me.  

So I thought a little as I was eating my cornfalkes and a plan started to form in my mind for TinyTuesday....two tiny blueberries on a white background. 

But somehow, it wasn't working....it looked a bit random with the placements, so i thought about including a black background halfway up, but then one of the blueberries got a little lost until I got Mrs IU to shine a torch pointed from a bit of a distance at the one on the black area...just enought to make it appear. But I still wasn't happy until i turned the backgrounds on a diagonal....and now I was happy - maybe a bit of a crazy idea

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