
By Dominie

Still of the day

A liberating sense of separation touched me when I ventured up into the Wimbie Reserve today. I have never known it so still: not a breath of wind; not a bird in song (nor in sight, even); not another creature to be seen, except once a little skink scampering off at the whisper of my footfall on a bed of fallen leaves.

I picked my way along the clifftop path and could see a small boat far below disgorging two scuba divers into the water; not a sound. I tracked the boat for a short while as it moved on, until it stopped again and someone cast a fishing line.

I felt sure one of the boat shots would be my blip, but in the end the one looking out to the Tollgate Islands across the calm waters best caught the mood of my afternoon. It is unexceptional, but there it is.

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