
I actually want to rewind this week. Poor Harp was still not drinking or passing urine so paediatrics wanted to see her. We spent hours up there. The docs were lovely but they wanted her to drink or she was being kept in. She kept saying if she drinks she will be sick ( so obviously scared to drink ). Anyway one and a half large mugs of milk later we got to go home. I was literally through the door two minutes and she threw up everywhere. I have just finished calming her down and cleaning up the sofas and playroom floor. She's now changed a cuddling up on the lounge sofa. The playroom is now out of bounds . 

Thankfully Carson behaved for nana and grandad while I was away and didn't have them running round after him. He sat on the sofa and held his grandads hand for ages. 

The boys had a good day being back at school. 

 Tomorrow is a new day so let's hope it's a sick free day and everyone is happy. Fingers crossed 

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