Oh How I Wish......!!!

That I could eat onions....!!
I love them...but, unfortunately they don’t like me....!!
Occasionally I ‘sneak ‘ them and mostly I’ll know about it as they try to ‘kill’ me with indigestion etc and sometimes I get away with it..!
Lots of things are just so ‘wrong ‘ without onions...
And have you noticed that the majority of recipes start with ‘chop an onion and add some garlic’....a step I generally have to omit...it’s difficult when the rest of my family here like and can eat onions without any adverse effects...
So I’ve had to master some tricks ....mostly frying up onions, garlic and peppers separately and then when I’ve taken my own portion of whatever ..add them to the remaining dish for them...it works...
These huge Spanish onions are particularly mild...!!

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