Peek Out of the Fort

I am a day late in posting the Tuesday Blip...Ellie put her "fort" back up and she and the dog were in there reading books when I called her to look out for a photo...obedient little girl quickly posed for me.   :-))  I wanted her in front of our fireplace; I want to add a mantle and perhaps update it a little when our remodeling project ever starts, I wonder if I should leave the old brick like it is?...I really don't want to paint it white, but it seems like the modern thing to do. Any ideas?

Ellie and I  made her mailbox for her Feb 14 "friend day" letters for preschool. The children will be making their friend letters in class this week. There are only 10 children in her class so I think it will be a manageable task.

I hope you only have manageable tasks too.

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