Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User

Don't Spill A Drop

After the unexpected evenst of yesterday, today was pretty quiet.  It was Skip Day, so I took advanatge of getting into the loft for a bit more of a clearout from the Curry's storage depot.  

Also removed an old suitcase which was probably last used when we went to Majorca in 1976....well you know what it's like....you buy something better with wheels and other deluxe things on it and the old one just gets forgotten...up in the loft.  

Finally, extracted an old ceiling light fitting too which we must have bought 40 odd years ago from BHS - hey who remembers their super lightimg department? - well probably only those who live in the UK...but I digress. This was a top notch light fitting  for the dining room that you could pull down closer to the dining room table when you wanted to and then push it back up to put it out of the way. And it still appeared to work...well, the pull down bit did, but not so sure about the pushing back up bit.

Anyhow, somehow over the years it had become hidden and worked its way to the back of the loft, where the roof height was about three foot....too small for me to walk into without bashing my head, which meant that I had improvise, so it was down the loft ladder and into the garden shed to retrieve a.....yes you guessed it,....a garden rake which I then used to drag the light fitting to a closer proximty of where I could grab it.  

And now here's the funny thing.  As I piled all of this stuff at then end of the garage in readiness to put into the car for the skip, I asked Mrs IU whether the old suitcase would be any good for the forthcoming Cornwall holiday. Well it was not an unexpected response that I got, but I was just joshing really.  However, when I showed her the light fitting, she cried out "Don't throw that out...it's a retro thing and all that stuff is in fashion these days.  I'll give it a good clean and then...."

So there you are - today;s Blip.  A bit of a clearout and skip visited and then it was time to think about today's photo for Abstract Thursday and here it is.

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