Strava Day 249/ #75Hard Off Phase Day 7.

Blipping while waiting. This is a self-timed shot, an entry to my 5:55 photo series. Will be taking a Neuro Exam in the city today so I got up earlier, had breakfast earlier and made sure I have everything I could possibly need prepared.
Grateful for the strength training and nutrition guidance from Coach Jaja (@seitanistxalien on Instagram). She is quite strict but also encouraging and inspiring. I would not have made it this far without the intensity of her training program.
Title is just an acronym for Outfit Of The Day. Speaking of acronyms, T just learned about that term yesterday. He is usually hyper-active and chatty around lunch time so we are doing our best to listen to his stories and watch the shows he's interested in.  
Funny exchange with T over breakfast yesterday:
P: We are all Sheldon (was referring to Jim Parsons' character trait/quirks) in a way. Gramps is Sheldon. Daddy is Sheldon. You are Sheldon. Gramma is Sheldon. Am Sheldon.
T: No! Gramps is Sheldon. Daddy is Penny sometimes. You are sometimes Sheldon, sometimes Penny.
P: Whatever.  Kain na tayo. (Let's just eat).
Here's to you choosing gratitude, humor and strength everyday. Life is tough but we have everything we need already to get through another day. Love and light.

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