Beside the river

After yesterday’s Llanddwyn adventure, I intend to keep to home-based blips today, but when I see the sunshine and blue skies, it seems a waste not to go out. 

I have no destination in my head, so leave the choice to G, and we end up walking round the RSPB reserve in Conwy. But for some very vocal robins - one of which is brave enough to feed from G’s hand - there’s little bird life in evidence. Still, it’s lovely weather for a walk.

We take our usual circuit and unusually there’s no sign of the ponies. Then suddenly, as we’re walking along the estuary path, they just appear, following their leader round a bend to find new grazing. We’ve never seen them by the river before, and it’s delightful. Of course, our presence is just as surprising to them as theirs to us, and we stop the youngsters in their tracks, standing like statues as if waiting to be told to move. Two older ones - the leaders -  canter past as us before waiting for the rest, who decide instead to walk up the grassy bank behind us, soon bending heads to graze intently. 

Of course, for me this is a joyful opportunity, particularly as one  just gazes back intently providing ample opportunities to photograph. Usually it’s a frustrating game of waiting for that moment when they momentary lift their heads from munching. 

But then the leaders, clearly tired of waiting, canter back between us and the river, long manes flying wildly in the wind, silhouetted against the shimmering waters of the Conwy River.  

The ‘best’ shot is probably the extra, but I’ve blipped similar ones before, and so today I’m going for the backlit leader.

Thank you so much for all the comments stars and hearts for yesterday’s Ynys Llanddwyn set - all very much appreciated! 

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