Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Bird's eye View

Up early to go to the hospital again to get Eco mum checked over(see blip 02.05/09). Then drop Eco mum off for another appointment.

I went home to look after the kids, as usual didn't want to do anything with me, so stuck at home. I started by cleaning the oven, used some foam stuff that did what it said on the tin. I also cleaned the wire trays, that was a nightmare.

Eco mum came home so we sat in the garden and planted seeds in pots to got to the allotment greenhouse.

Eco son was going to go to the beach, after much texting and calls by 3pm it proved too late, ended up Blackford Hill for a BQ with his mates.

Nipped to the allotment to water the greenhouse and take the pot with seeds. The tatties are up, tomatoes in the grow bags and parsnip seeds planted out.

On the way home popped into supermarket, wonderful evening sky, but not as good a view as the gull.

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