Bat box

There are many bat boxes on the trees in our local park and forest.
I remember I once had a bat in my house when I lived in Aberdeen. It seemed like the size of a seagull when it was flying from one end of my living room to the other (ok...so I may be exaggerating a little). Anyway, I did what any self-respecting adult would do...I phoned my mum! "I'll send David (my brother) round". My mum lived just 10 mins away so I knew I'd be saved from the flying vampire soon..
The doorbell rings and I answer it to find my brother standing there as if he was on a mission to catch the Loch Ness Monster...big thick hooded jumper pulled up around his face, big thick gloves and my dad's huge fishing net.
Now, I'm in no doubt that the poor bat is the most frightened of the three of us at this point but its not possible to get it out the windows in the living room, so we plan to catch it. On one of it's flights of mercy, David takes a swipe with the net and misses, but I see the bat land on the floor behind the TV. I run to the kitchen for a plastic tub with a lid and eventually manage to catch it in the tub. I kid you not, this bat is about 2"long, it's tiny. I happily take the wee fella out to the grass in front of the house and set it free, seemingly no worse for its experience.
I cannot imagine being in a place with lots of them flying about.

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