Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

The Cold Hard Truth

Monday. That's often cruel enough on its own. But this was also the first day back to school & work after Spring Break. Right, SPRING. You know, that joyful season bursting with promising new life.

Now here's the Cold. Hard. Truth: nothing about today remotely resembled such a fountain of hope. Like the potted plants on my terrace, the weather evokes only a sense of despair.

OK, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic :)
It's only jealousy really, because when I briefly visited KettwigeFrau this afternoon, she was busy as a bee potting lovely new blooms in her flower containers. She was even braving the still chilly temps in a short-sleeved tee. In three layers of wool and cashmere I was shivering. Must be her hearty UK blood.

It was actually fun not so bad returning to school this morning. I'm working with the kids in my advanced English class on creative writing - helping them to infuse imagery into their narratives. Brainstorming adjectives and adverbs with a bunch of 9 and 10 years olds is almost as refreshing as a breath of Spring air ;)

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