Cyclamen and Spotlights

It's not been a busy weekend, had a good relaxing day yesterday, and a night out as in yesterday's blip. Today the morning was quiet, Marlane was very tired from a busy night with F.M.i.L. but even so, she left me to lie until I woke, and got up, at about 08:30.
This afternoon we planted half a dozen Cyclamen plants around the garden and then I spent some time fitting, and wiring, the spotlights that I've had lying around for ages. They were very cheap and I did have them fitted onto the Sportster but that was before I changed the headlight. They were wired directly to the battery with a switch on the handlebars. After a while they would start to flash rapidly and I think it was a grounding problem.
This time I've wired them into the headlamp. When I changed the headlamp for an LED one the 'sidelight' became redundant and I just taped the wires as they were loose in the headlamp body. Fitting the spotlights I've used the sidelight connectors so the spots are on all the time that the ignition is on, much easier than using a switch. 
Didn't really notice how messy the wiring looks until I looked at the photograph. I'll sort that out now.

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