... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Garden: Kappa-kersplash

Blobbier bokeh in large
Ida in the spotlight
Koi flapping
Ida preening

Mum sorted out the Eglu and run while I kept the duckules company in their temporary pen (not exactly a fair arrangement, but I'll get back to sorting them out soon!); they had the paddling pool, and a shaft of sunshine illuminated a small part of the water making for fun contrasty splashy shots... I preferred my very contrasty Ida shots, but it was her last time, so Kappa gets the blip spot today.
Flügel was too busy harassing me for me to get many photos of him (he was far too close for my long lens's minimum focus distance). Gawd, he gets so bolshy as spring approaches!

Others here (or right from Lining up for paddling pool time)

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