
By NellyO

Wicken Fen

On Sunday we had a leisurely breakfast then headed out to Wicken Fen, a few miles out of Ely. As I'm from Northamptonshire originally we often used to go to East Anglia and the Fens for our family holidays (usually Norfolk rather than Cambridgeshire) and it's a part of the world I really love. Wicken Fen has a number of raised walkways so you can walk round quite a big chunk of it, there are also windmills and bird hides and (somewhat randomly) a herd of Highland cattle. It was a lovely day, we had lunch there too and watched the birds on the bird feeders.

Just as well I had such a relaxing chunk of the day because the journey home was anything but! Our car is in the garage for repairs so Pete wasn't able to meet me at the airport, so after getting back to Edinburgh I then had to take 2 buses to get back to Stirling (I couldn't face the thought of going into Edinburgh and then having to wait an hour at Waverley Station having just missed the one train they put on each hour!). So didn't get home till much later than originally hoped. But it was a good weekend overall, and I'm glad I went and glad to be back :)

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