Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Thought pathways

Today I met all the old gang and many new faces, including Dick Lewontein and Dick Levins. The reason we had the conference at Harvard. These guys are brilliant radical scientists...and old school. Academics who were helping the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, working with the Cubans, and marching in the streets during the 60's. It was a pleasure just to be in the presence of such living wisdom and listen to their insights and crazy adventures as academic radicals...

Talks all day, sooo much food for thought. It was a lot to take in. It was almost like I could feel my thoughts twisting around in my head, branching out in innumerable directions. Neural pathways, like roots or better, branches reaching out towards light.... And when we finally opened the doors and emerged into the literal (and perhaps metaphorical?) light of day. Well, it seemed to me like the trees were doing just that. Branching and twisting towards the sun and bearing new growth.

I like how the branches twisting upwards represent the shape of my own thoughts and the contrast of dark snaking lines against white columns and open sky filling up the empty spaces...

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