The lovely best

This morning was a total treat. I’m still feeling the warmth of the joy of it.

Up at 6, which I don’t find easy on a Saturday, and a quick drive to Coops house and actually, it’s nice driving early morning with no one around. She then drove around collecting another 4 and then drove us all up to the Thames Lido in Reading. This is part of her A-Z outdoor swimming challenge.

The pool, the changing rooms with private hot showers and cleanliness everywhere, the hot tub, the quick sauna, the lazy breakfast and all in the company of gorgeous people made a treasure of a morning.

I have no idea how many lengths I did, or how far I swam, but it was a joy to simply swim and swim and swim in an outdoor pool. I look forward to a repeat.

The other end of the day was a birthday meal out with MiL and wider family, all made much easier because DougsJB and PuddleDuck were able to join in. NoaNoa overate, as is his habit … but the mood was jolly. I’m not a great fan of this particular Carvery and the food was a bit meh but the birthday girl was happy. She’s an 85 year old wonder really.

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