Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Feet on the Ground

Feet Firmly on the Ground

It is a day for keeping our feet firmly on the ground. In this case, the ground is the floor, and entrance to, the Newcastle Grainger market. This is an old and traditional covered in market and is almost exactly the same as it would have looked when Thatcher came to power. There is even a Weighing Station!

Feet on the ground. Thatcher does not deserve all the plaudits she is getting at the moment, or the horrible and sickening sycophancy from Labour politicians (Spineless Hypocrites) and the British Propaganda Corporation (aka the BBC). So, she destroyed the unions, leaving us with no proper democratic work type councils anymore, less dialogue, and less participation in decisions that affect lives, the economy and society. So, she proselytised the idea and philosophy for the Free Market economy which has led the way for profligate bankers, the destruction of the entire Western finance system, the largest government deficits in developed countries in recorded history, more wars than we have ever dreamt of, a privatised NHS (it's on the way folks), and the mistaken trust in 'strong Leaders and Leadership' (does Ghengis Khan, or Pol Pot spring to mind?).

So, lets all keep our feet on the ground and let history tell the true story when all the sentiment and the rhetoric settles down.

I hope she has done us a great favour and shown us how blind belief in right wing dogma, infallible leaders, and totally free markets, can lead us into a new world that is not necessarily better than the last one. She did not believe in Society. Again, let's hope that a new generation of (non-career non-posh boy, and fully work experienced politicians) can develop more creative solutions for repairing the damage that she has caused.

Feet on the ground.....

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