Good Day

Feeling happy because it was a very good and productive day. Ralph and Mark were here just after 9am and spent the next couple of hours assembling the wardrobe that completes my new bedroom furniture suite as bro did the other units recently.  Next, Mark fixed the channel tuning issue I had with my TV last night, then they disappeared into my loft to check if they can install a new (larger) hatch with a safer ladder for me to use, and the answer is yes. Marvellous.

This afternoon Amazon delivered my new cylinder vacuum cleaner which is exactly what I've been looking for so I then had an enjoyable half hour thoroughly vacuuming the entire house. Never been so happy to do housework!

All of this of course, was against a day long constant background of Winter Olympics on TV.   The feats these athletes achieve is simply astonishing, incredible really what the human body can do. Exciting and amazing stuff.

Bro came for dinner as usual, and finally, as if all this wasn't enough to make a satisfying day, the snowdrops have opened :)

Hope your day was enjoyable too!

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