
This confident Camellia (Japenese?) is growing in a nearby garden which is open to all that the seafront has to throw at it. But clearly it is wintering well! 

A shout out for the Jersey recycling guys today. For the past year or more I have been curiously puzzled about where to get the proper recycling bags from (and not tried hard enough to find out). In the old house I had a 'bank' nearby but here I am more reliant on the collection. I had amassed a lot of gunky cans and plastics in the wrong kind of bags. This morning I decided to put it all out and hope for the best. 

I know that where I lived in England the recycling truck would NOT have taken any of it. Later I was making a cup of tea when I noticed something had been thrown over the gate. On investigation it turned out to be a thick roll of official parish recycling bags AND they had taken all the old stuff away. I felt such gratitude I actually almost cried. Love my island :)

It has been a day of small victories, including a 500 word count before breakfast (yay) and finally ticking off the last few bits of the painful paperwork issue that has had me working so many hours for the past few months!

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