Quite a few years ago on a similarly grey and blipless day, I blipped my assorted utensils drawer. Since then it's had at least one big clear-out and I can't recall any occasion since then when we've had toffee that's needed breaking up with a hammer, so this must have been there at the time. Years ago I used to love Bluebird toffees, and Callard & Bowser butterscotch and treacle toffee, borne witness to by the amount of money I've had to pay out on dental treatment since then. Spoiler alert: if some foodstuff requires a metal hammer to break it up, it's not really going to be very good for your teeth.

I'm off tomorrow for a couple of days of sistering, without a laptop, so won't be posting until the weekend. It's probably the only chance for the five of us to get together before sister A2 has to go back to the States and a "proper" job with the sort of minimal vacation allowance that makes us Europeans exclaim in horror, especially as it means she's not going to be able to spend months of each year travelling as in pre-Covid days.

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