
By Cully

About the Author

Gemma here guest blipping for the day as Cully seems to have blippers block!
So, most good reads have an about the author section so why not Cullys blip, therefore todays blip is Cully through my eyes.

When I think of Cully the first thing I think of is Damson Gin, everybody in a 10 mile radius of where we live has been invited to her house to sample her homemade brew.

2nd I think of my Uncles description of her - 'is that the 1 who dont know when to go home?'
She is always the last to leave a party which in my eyes is great as it just keeps the party going even longer.

Shes a bit of a foodie, she likes to sample lots of different cuisine from fine restaurants around the globe. But deep down shes just as happy with a pack of cheese n ham waffles in the Crispin.

She loves to travel and has got more 'dots on her map' already than most will get in their whole lifetime. Im well jel!

On top of all this she is very fun to go out with and a good friend to have. And thats about all I can tell you about her which is appropriate for blip!!!

Also just wanted to say RIP to Margaret Thatcher who died today. Love her, hate her, or dont care. She made a massive impact on our country so I feel she deserves a mention.

That is all.

Ciao for now

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