Garden day

We've had a run of days that have got increasingly worse, drab and dreay has hung around for too long.

Today was glorious first thing... And mostly continued that way, yeay. Walking down to the Hut Monkey Brain got distracted by the path edging stones which have been there for a few months now... So they got dug in to the edge of the lawn. That then allowed a potted clematis to be put into the soil with a border round it. That should have been enough and I should have gotten on with my studies... But Monkey Brain still had other ideas... So other edging stones raised, some walling stone strategically placed and then a tonne of limestone chippings added to raise the path level.

Finally sat down to my studies mid afternoon... And decided to do another grant application.

I'm not focused enough when there isn't a deadline looming. I've made a list for tomorrow.

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