Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

The 1000th Blip

Well its been a long time since I started off "Blipping" but finally today I have reached the 1000 Blip mark!

I started way back in May 2011 so if I had posted every day I would be way past the mark by now.

Alas I took a break from posting for a number of years which looking back is sad as I've enjoyed seeing what I have posted up in the past....the memories that were created and particularly, when they let me, watching the boys grow up!

Anyhow for the 1000th there could only be one image and that for me had to be The Forth Rail Bridge. Though not to neglect the other two, I have managed to capture a bit of them as well.

Will I reach the 2000 mark?? Only time will tell. But until then I will (Hopefully) keep on Blipping!

Thanks for all who have dropped by. For the "Stars" and "Fav's". For folk who I have had some great banter and chat with though never met in "Real Life" and the enjoyment that I have had reading and viewing other folks Blips!

Slainte Mhath 

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