
Dictionary project Day 11 - Addict

Addict - verb
1. To cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, esp a narcotic drug)
2. A person who is addicted (esp narcotic drugs)
3. A person who is devoted to something

From Latin - addictus - "given over"

Derivatives - addictive, addicted

Again - some latitude here in the image relating to the word, but hey, its my 365th - whatcha gonna do?!

The beginning of journey to being a blip-addict

Where to start.

I had no idea when I joined blip back in March last year that it would turn into something so significant. I have met some wonderful people on here, some who remain 'virtual' friends, and others who I have had the pleasure to meet and go on blip expeditions with. For that, I am grateful.

This place allows me to put my heart on my sleeve, vent my frustrations at my day to day existance, share difficult moments and try to gain some sense of perspective and share my random point of view and sense of humour with everyone who is mad enough to look! It's also made me value the people I have around me - my family and my friends - not just as a resource for making them look daft but because writing about them and reflecting every day has made me see how big a part of my life they all play, in different ways.

More recently, being part of the dictionary project has really pushed me, in terms of ideas, but more importantly, in terms of technique, both in the initial photography and in my post processing activities - and I have to say thank you to Dogenzenji for a massive amount of guidance, which I think has really paid off for me - cheers dude :-)

Its difficult to find 'favourites' - I rather use "significant" as the word. Below are some blips which to me have been significant points along the way.

Finally...Joe and the blipcentral team ...absolute stars...I don't have the words to describe how good you are...but you are very much appreciated.

My retired Leica

First successful moon shot - courtesy of Brickmakers advice!


Pain, but worth it



Laying to rest

Self portrait

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