Coal Tit Visitor

We have a lot of blue tits and great tits in the garden but we rarely see coal tits. What a shame they didn’t appear when we did the RSPB Great Garden Bird Watch.

Coal tits like woodland, especially coniferous, and nest in tree holes. In Winter they have to search further afield for food and will visit garden feeders in rural areas.

They are very similar to Willow tits and Marsh tits but distinguished by a white nape patch and white wing bars.

I saw Dr Persey, rheumatologist, face to face this evening and he confirmed he thinks I have Polymialgia rheumatica and answered lots of my questions. It’s unusual in people of my age (51), but I have discovered it’s been linked to the Covid vaccine and so has become more common in younger people. I will ask Dr P about that when I next see him. In the meantime, I’ve had a chest X-ray, and will have some more blood tests tomorrow. I have a prescription for Prednisolone, been advised to continue with vitamin D (to help prevent the loss of bone density) and will have a bone density scan. Dr P seems to be being thorough in ruling out other things.

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