We's done the Tell and gots the knowing

In the morning, Year One showed off the fruits of their past few weeks' labour by performing their shadow-puppet fairy tales. Oh, that was a delight. In the afternoon, Year Six researched the consequences of a full scale nuclear war. The introduction was "The Tell of Captain Walker" from Mad Max III: Beyond Thunderdome. Strangely, this somber narrative seems perfect for the magical image, I think.

This ain't one body's story. It's the story of us all. We got it mouth-to-mouth. You got to listen it and 'member. 'Cause what you hears today you got to tell the birthed tomorrow.

I'm looking behind us now. . . . . .across the count of time. . . . . .down the long haul, into history back. I sees the end what were the start. It's Pox-Eclipse, full of pain! And out of it were birthed crackling dust and fearsome time. It were full-on winter. . .. . .and Mr. Dead chasing them all.

But one he couldn't catch. That were Captain Walker. He gathers up a gang, takes to the air and flies to the sky!

So they left their homes, said bidey-bye to the high-scrapers. . . . . .and what were left of the knowing, they left behind.

Some say the wind just stoppered. Others reckon it were a gang called Turbulence.

And after the wreck. . . . . .some had been jumped by Mr. Dead. . . . . .but some had got the luck, and it leads them here.

One look and they's got the hots for it. They word it "Planet Earth. " And they says, "We don't need the knowing. We can live here. "

"We don't need the knowing. We can live here. "

Time counts and keeps counting. They gets missing what they had. They get so lonely for the high-scrapers and the video. And they does the pictures so they'd 'member all the knowing that they lost.

In the end, we're all just stories. We's got to 'member.

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