7°C  -  21 mph SW Wind Speed  -  35 mph Gusts -  Cloudy  -  Rain  -Sunny Intervals.  All sorts of weather today.  The Treeman who was going to crop my Sycamore Tree was supposed to come this morning, but it was raining  -  I thought he might come when the rain cleared up, but he phoned up to say it was now too windy, but that he hoped to come midweek.  I think the weather is on the side of the Sycamore Tree:)  I managed to photograph the Moon between clouds.  I’ve inserted it above the Hazel Tree that was sparkling in the sun.  Thank you all for your kind thoughts from yesterday  -  I completed the job and got the photographs off today.  I feel a bit more relaxed now.   Have a nice weekend, Everyone:)

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