Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Grandma's in charge!

I'm babysitting, I put Josie to bed and everything and even more impressive, she's asleep. What a sense of achievement.
Didn't sleep particularly well last night, perhaps aware that I had this big job ahead of me tonight. Hopefully I'll do better tonight with the pressure off.
Colin's cousin popped in for lunch today and to see her aunt, Colin's mum. Good to see her and to catch up.
I decided to go for a walk this afternoon, I set off just before the heavens opened so I didn't get very far.
Ali and Stuart are out tonight, and so I've been in charge since 5.30. It was much easier looking after our own two, somebody else's is so much responsibility! Still at least I've got this monitor to watch instead of the tv!
Pickle and Marvin are helping me!
Keep safe folks.

And I just laughed outloud at the news that they authorities in New Zealand are playing Barry Manilow on a15 minute loop to try to dispel protestors - don't you just love New Zealand! I believe there are a large number of ex-pat Scots there which may explain things!

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