Signs of Wildlife

Three of us from the Walking Team visited Lees Wood to make plans for a County Outdoor Day. We’d already created a Sensory Safari for Rainbows (age 5-7) & Brownies (age 7-10) in Broxbourne Woods last year, so we wanted to see if we could adapt it. In fact we came up with several new ideas so it will be quite different; a bit more work but more fun.
The girls will follow a nature trail and do several activities along the way, one of which will be looking for signs of wildlife. We saw muntjac and roe deer but given the girls are likely to be noisy I suspect they’ll be more likely to see deer prints, rabbit poo and squirrel-nibbled pine cones.

Later, Peter & I ate at The White Horse for Valentine’s Day. Surprisingly, there were lots of families rather than couples in there.

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