Soggy Sunday

Another wet day. We hung on till the rain eased off but it was still drizzling on our walk.
Managed a blip of a hellebore huddled up against the rain

Once back home it was another lazy day. Downloaded another free book onto my Kindle and sat reading that. I still prefer paper ie a real book but it's more hygienic than going to the library at the moment. 

Finished knitting my jumper and already started on the first row of another.  ... it's a lovely mixture of colours and should be interesting to knit up but I will take my time.. theres a limit to how many jumpers I can own.  Next one will be for one of my relatives. 

Spent some time browsing the photgraphy groups  on my laptop.. some superb shots. Hoping they will inspire me. 
Looking forward to meeting up with fellow blipper and friend Flavia 13 as soon as the weather improves and another Blip meet with other blippers as well, in Grange in  March I hope.

New laptop says it's ready to install Windows 11. Not sure whether to do it  straight away as I've heard mixed  comments re teething problems.  I'm still coming to grips with Windows 10 after being on Windows 7 for years.   I need to get some tech advice. 

Thank you all for the stars and lovely comments

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