Meanderings Through Life

By sparrowbirdy


This is one of the many artworks in my favourite hostelry. It's presumably made from papier mache, stands a good 3-4ft tall and is tearing its way through the wall.

The pub is a bit like an artwork. As well as this chap there is a whole wall mural of the old regulars in its brief Tut 'n Shive days (a pub called the Dove and Rainbow stood on approximately the same site from the mid 1800s, this pub inherited the name for all but a couple of years). There are reliefs similar to this of a Rastafarian chap, a rocker and a rave-living woman, as well as the new memorial to an old friend which I blipped a couple of weeks ago. The table tops are all hand painted with artworks, too (and one board game). And as for the beer garden, we add to the murals in there at least once a year.
Live music, art and company in one small location. Nice.

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