Dear Gill (MM421)

Possibly a good subject for communication on Valentines Day?

Back in the days before swipe right took on a whole new meaning, people seeking a life partner (other euphemisms are available) had to meet by frequently random means and then, if not living relatively near to each other, engage in letter writing* as a means of communication.

Shortly after Gill and I met, she took up a job in Oslo and I set off all over the UK as part of my training scheme ... so there was a lot of letter writing going on back then.  This one was written when I was working at BBC Skelton (not far from Greystoke in Cumbria) and Gill had returned to the UK. As you can see, my writing was pretty awful and the main part of the text appears to have mysteriously fallen into some 1980s encryption algorithm :-)

Some of you might remember paper by the pound which was sold in many gift shops and seems to have been my writing paper of choice. The fourth page is on red paper - the rest is arrowroot biscuit beige and the envelope is bright green.  I have no idea why!

* tell that to kids today, and they won't believe you!

Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting Mono Monday on the theme of communication.

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