Maximus and the Laundry

Rainy day.  Another surprising work day. Working from home.  Received a message from our business manager asking for a good time to call me.  Always sort of nerve racking.  What could be happening now?  My best and delightful co worker, Paul has left for the other firm who now has a substantial number of our people.  I have been reassigned to three new attorneys and two have been moved.  So the same number plus one.  A very different crew but great people I have known a long time.  My schedule is the same which I am grateful for.  Our roofers did not come today because of the rain.  All of their equipment and tarps make taking out the garbage and retrieving packages and mail a similar experience to mountain climbing.  Good exercise.  Happy Monday.  I put Mono Max and some new carnations in the exras.

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