Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Natural Colour.

Managed to get an early walk before rain settled in for the day.  Only had my walkabout camera with me but there were quite a few bird opportunities if I had my telephoto lens along with me.  The crow patrol saw off a straying kestrel.  They control the air space above the very large allotment sites.  Nothing escapes their notice - I've seen them harass a heron and a very high flying buzzard.  No wonder I never see any birds to photograph!  The green woodpecker was very colourful - he was ground feeding and flew up in a flap - hadn't seen him until he did so at my approach.  
So.... with apologies to Stevvi - it's an old log made more colourful by its dampness...and a bit of help from Photoshop.  Enjoy!

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