That's it?

At long last, as of Feb 28, the federal gov't have eliminated the requirement for PCR test before entering Canada. Antigen is all that is needed now.
That'll really piss off our friends who return to Canada Feb 25th and so will still have to fork out the USD100+ each for their PCR. 
We don't leave till March 5th *smirk, smirk* (And there are no gov't advisories against travel any more either)
There were some other changes but thankfully, masks indoors and vaccination "passports" for entry to restaurants etc will remain.

The cops moved in last night and got rid of the truck blockades as well as arresting a dozen or so. Excellent!

What's even more juicy, is that the anti-vaxxers will still have to have their jab if they want to eat in a restaurant. So in effect, they achieved eff all except to piss off the general public to their "cause".

Ah well...that's it

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