A Tribute to Stevie!

1°C  -  22 mph N Wind Speed  -  37 mph Gusts  -  Sleet.  No sign of Storm Eunice here!  A sad day for me  -  my friend, Stevie, has her funeral in Brighton at 3.30 pm today!  I wonder how many of her friends will make it given all the rail and bus cancellations due to the storm warnings?  Fortunately an online Tribute to her has been set up so we can contribute our thoughts and photos through that.  I have been asked to contribute photographs of us together if I have some  -  I decided on the two I have blipped, because they show our travels through time  -  1970s when we weekended regularly in Amsterdam, and 1990s when she visited in me Scotland  -  she loved to go to Catterline to see the Dolphins playing in the sea. Stevie had a fantastic zest for life.  She was a 70's girl and lived it to the full! She loved dinosaurs, stories of ancient aliens, and had a great love of animals, especially dogs, whales and dolphins. She was a wonderful lady  -  affectionate, protective and caring  -  I can feel her am round my shoulder as I type.  She will live forever in my thoughts!

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