Blociau o hwyl

Blociau o hwyl ~ Blocks of fun

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Trwy'r gwynt a glaw, daeth Richard â Sam i dreulio'r diwrnod gyda ni heddiw. Ar un pwynt gwnaeth Richard yn meddwl byddai'n rhy beryglus i ddod, ond yna ffeindiodd e foment pan roedd y tywydd yn ddigon tawel iddo fe yrru. Chwaraeon ni gyda Lego (wrth gwrs) yn adeiladu tŷ a strwythurau arall dirgel. Hefyd, gwnaethon ni ddechrau adeiladu 'marble run' gyda chardfwrdd. Roedd e'n ddiddorol i drio adeiladu un a gwnaethon ni werthfawrogi sgil o bobol sy'n gallu gwnaed un yn llwyddiannus. Byddan ni'n parhau gyda'r prosiect y tro nesa.

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Through the wind and rain, Richard brought Sam to spend the day with us today. At one point Richard thought it was too dangerous to come, but then he found a moment when the weather was quiet enough for him to drive. We played with Lego (of course) building a house and other mysterious structures. We also started building a marble run with cardboard. It was interesting to try and build one and we appreciated the skill of people who can make one successfully. We will continue with the project next time.

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