Sweetness...what more can I say.

This poor sweet thing ended up with another concussion yesterday, mind you a very mild one in comparison to the one in December.

And I didn't even know until 6 p.m last night....after school, after a playdate, and after soccer practice. I could tell she was off, especially when she mentioned the stomachache, how tired she looked, and then the headache.

But, she didn't mention she hit her head at school until after soccer. And what a stellar mom I felt like.

She woke up with a headache this morning and stayed home from school today.

As you can see though, she really didn't feel all that bad...at all. She made the normal rounds with me, we furnished her doll house, and then we all went for a mellow walk this afternoon.

That girl is getting a helmet. And not just for bike riding.

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