"You have to try it!" they said

"It's better than KFC" they said

Well, using KFC as a standard of anything is putting the bar pretty low, but I have to say that Mary Brown's Chicken was a good deal better the the Colonels.
Based on a sample of one of course.

It all came about when the coffee grinder went to meet its maker and we had to find a replacement in short order. Instead of cooking, it was a debate about pizza or chinese. The boss won the debate as somehow she always does, she introduced a competitor that wasn't on the card,  Mary Brown's Chicken.

The rain was bouncing knee height off the ground as we ventured out to accomplish both items.

But now we're home, fed and watered, and feeling just a little bit too full.

There's a pic of said Mary Brown's Chicken in the extras. And the  main image? Supposedly, Mary Brown is from the Maritimes. So are these houses on the wall in the restaurant.

Ah well...

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